Occasionally, a child’s facial and dental growth becomes disrupted as a result of genetics or early dental habits such as thumbsucking or mouthbreathing. Pediatric dentists are specialists in the area of growth and development of the face and teeth, and are ideally suited to intervene in these situations. Many times extensive orthodontic treatment may be averted through timely pediatric orthodontic care as the face, jaws, and teeth are developing.


Dental Procedures – Exams & Cleaning

Examination: An examination involves more than looking at teeth. The health history reviews the general health of your child and indicates whether there is any need for special dental care. The examination charts health and disease and is used to provide a diagnosis and treatment plan for your child.

Cleaning and Fluoride: Teeth are cleaned to remove plaque (bacteria) and calculus (hard plaque) that can cause gum disease and tooth decay. Topical fluoride is applied to the teeth to make them stronger and more resistant to tooth decay. A thorough cleaning and fluoride treatment every six months has been shown to be an extremely effective way to prevent dental disease.



We try very hard to make your child’s treatment physically comfortable and enjoyable. All of our care is based on the behavior management technique Tell-Show-Do. This management technique prepares your child for dental treatment by telling and showing your child what we are going to do before we do it. During all visits, we believe in giving your child lots of praise. We begin the first visit by introducing the office environment and the staff. For children two and above, we recommend an oral examination, a cleaning, the application of fluoride, and any necessary radiographs  (x-rays). After a thorough study of our findings, we will prepare and discuss a treatment plan for your child’s dental needs. This plan will provide guidance on dental and oral development, fluoride status, non-nutritive oral habits, injury prevention, oral hygiene, and the effects of diet on the dentition. Although no restorative work is performed at this time, emergency needs will be assessed and treated if appropriate.

Please do not be upset if your child cries. Children are often afraid of anything new and strange, and crying is the normal reaction to that fear. Please permit us the time to develop rapport with your child. After the first visit, encourage his or her independence and allow us the privilege of bringing your child from the reception room to the dental chair alone. Most school age children do better alone with the pediatric dentist, hygienist and assistant than with a parent present.